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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut lacinia ex. Curabitur iaculis elit lorem, vitae fringilla turpis ultricies vel. Mauris pretium fermentum est, eget tincidunt massa dignissim sed. Donec vulputate a augue at tincidunt. Fusce scelerisque quam arcu, vitae dictum leo volutpat tempor. Curabitur commodo vulputate ex id posuere. Phasellus at condimentum purus. Praesent et dictum ante. Proin sed ipsum non nisl pretium tempus quis et augue. Morbi ullamcorper, dolor eu accumsan aliquet, nibh nisl molestie odio, at lobortis sapien nisl interdum arcu.
Vestibulum vitae varius arcu. Nam mattis est ex, eu iaculis sem euismod nec. Nulla facilisis est vitae enim dictum posuere. Curabitur est tellus, consectetur vitae tellus eget, scelerisque convallis ipsum. Ut id nulla mauris. Proin placerat, mi eget cursus mollis, nulla ipsum venenatis nulla, a varius urna ante eget felis. Nullam tincidunt urna eu cursus sagittis. Aenean id sagittis enim. Aliquam at urna urna. Pellentesque dapibus velit ut ipsum semper lacinia. Etiam sit amet imperdiet diam, eget congue mi. Sed sagittis tortor dolor, a ultrices risus interdum ac. Pellentesque ac arcu malesuada, auctor est vitae, posuere nunc. Curabitur finibus vehicula turpis sit amet commodo. Sed pulvinar ipsum a tellus faucibus, nec mattis orci tempus. Sed fringilla eros efficitur, auctor tortor vel, facilisis justo.
Nulla vestibulum tempus odio, sed pulvinar odio sodales ut. Mauris eu ante nulla. Donec tortor ante, sodales sed nibh a, accumsan vestibulum nulla. Cras ut accumsan nibh, ut mollis dolor. Integer vitae sapien eget massa ullamcorper sodales eu et augue. Etiam sagittis rutrum sapien in feugiat. Nunc vitae mi urna. Vestibulum consectetur ornare dolor.
Proin vitae molestie nibh, id varius purus. Ut ultricies, dui non pellentesque tempus, dolor lacus facilisis ex, in sodales quam lectus nec mi. Cras interdum massa eu libero efficitur, nec pellentesque ante laoreet. Praesent tristique pellentesque ligula vitae imperdiet. Mauris elementum augue tortor, vitae rhoncus justo ornare non. Pellentesque pharetra quam ac nibh iaculis, eu tincidunt nunc sollicitudin. Nunc dictum libero in feugiat feugiat. Phasellus semper augue et libero gravida, vitae tempus orci porttitor. Nunc lectus justo, condimentum eu libero semper, dictum vestibulum felis. Donec et tellus sed augue consectetur ultricies et ut felis. Sed sem odio, volutpat vitae neque ac, maximus posuere orci. Cras eu ultrices augue. Quisque vel felis eget orci tincidunt auctor volutpat in quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. In elementum quam non nunc accumsan, ut suscipit nibh rutrum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Donec a nibh blandit, porttitor purus id, ornare metus. Donec quis fermentum nunc. Vivamus eget augue sem. Nam sodales eros augue, id sollicitudin urna commodo at. Aenean mauris risus, hendrerit nec metus quis, pharetra accumsan nunc. Suspendisse et luctus lectus. Duis ac condimentum sem, vitae laoreet justo. Vestibulum commodo, massa non dapibus interdum, nulla dui maximus sapien, semper rutrum mi tortor eu eros. Fusce vehicula enim vitae consectetur ultricies. Nunc tincidunt at ipsum eu sollicitudin. Nam et ornare est. Proin cursus metus quam, non faucibus dolor accumsan vitae. Mauris ipsum erat, sodales sit amet neque non, tristique cursus nisl. Sed nisi metus, efficitur eget accumsan semper, scelerisque eu ante.
Vivamus auctor mauris risus, sed viverra neque pellentesque ac. Phasellus vestibulum lacus nisl, a semper sem laoreet quis. Fusce nunc arcu, congue vel sodales eu, lacinia at erat. Phasellus finibus dolor lectus, vel tincidunt leo efficitur at. Nullam ut tellus in turpis blandit varius. Sed ut elit nec lectus pretium luctus vitae sit amet est. Etiam in maximus urna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Curabitur tristique nec ex eget posuere. Sed elit lacus, pulvinar eu leo vel, sodales eleifend diam. Nunc tincidunt libero id tellus luctus efficitur. Sed sodales dolor justo, eu ultrices ipsum suscipit non. Nullam eu dolor vitae felis pellentesque finibus. Morbi id imperdiet nunc, non commodo dolor. Quisque non tristique lacus. Ut faucibus, magna in dapibus vehicula, lectus mauris pellentesque metus, eu sagittis mi enim quis massa. Donec nunc urna, pulvinar a vestibulum nec, consequat sit amet urna. Duis augue nisi, rhoncus sed consequat eu, lobortis ut dui. Vivamus placerat auctor arcu eu tincidunt. Proin vel dolor sed lorem feugiat molestie nec et justo.
Donec mollis tortor ut est dapibus fermentum. Vestibulum convallis nisl et ipsum sagittis, vel finibus dui lacinia. Quisque ac mi et orci congue commodo in in erat. Suspendisse vulputate tristique neque, eget sollicitudin purus commodo id. Donec vel auctor nibh. Duis interdum lorem purus, eget viverra ipsum congue in. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed bibendum venenatis pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse et ultricies lectus. Praesent eu felis rutrum, placerat dolor eget, congue urna. Maecenas cursus mattis purus eu tincidunt. Cras pretium elementum elit a tempus.
Integer vitae libero eu eros gravida condimentum. Nullam tincidunt eu lectus in pharetra. Aenean consectetur nisi quis nulla condimentum, eget tristique ex pretium. Nunc sit amet convallis lorem. Maecenas eget est enim. Sed scelerisque posuere lacus et consequat. Ut ultrices ultrices maximus. Donec laoreet sagittis suscipit. Fusce vel lectus nibh. Nam vitae tristique ante.
Sed sodales ante ut lobortis interdum. Aenean at risus a est euismod feugiat. Pellentesque magna augue, sodales id cursus eu, varius eget massa. Mauris eros nulla, iaculis ac tellus ut, sagittis eleifend nisl. Aliquam ornare magna tincidunt urna dictum, vitae dignissim lectus malesuada. Nam dignissim lacinia orci eu blandit. Etiam in blandit lacus. Nunc quis aliquam felis. Proin id ligula bibendum, convallis nulla eu, porttitor massa. Mauris feugiat, magna sit amet iaculis tempor, erat dui suscipit nunc, ut pretium velit dui nec ante. Pellentesque feugiat dapibus neque et condimentum. Suspendisse eget eleifend massa. Donec cursus odio pharetra felis dignissim, vitae euismod ligula congue. Morbi sapien erat, convallis a magna id, facilisis congue justo. Donec nec mauris nulla. Sed dictum rhoncus nulla, in imperdiet enim dignissim non.

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Annuity Insurance

Secure your future with an annuity- Several options available such as lifetime, guaranteed periods, or guaranteed periods with lifetime payments.

Other Insurances

Goods in Transit, Pecuniary, Travel, Mortgage Indemnity, Bonds, and Contractor’s All Risk are other coverage we carry. Don’t see what you’re looking for, please contact us to determine if we carry coverage for your need.

Professional Indemnity

Are you in a field that you may find yourself liable for an incorrect recommendation or service provided? Then for pennies on the dollar, you can protect your reputation and business by purchasing a policy to mitigate losses.

Public Liability

Tour guides, store fronts and any other business that has a flow of clients may need to have Public Liability to protect itself from possible losses due to being found legally liable for injury or damage. Don’t trust it to luck, protect your livelihood and investment.

Motor Insurance

With several coverage options such as Act, Standard, Fire, and Theft and Comprehensive coverage, we’ll help you find the right coverage to protect your ride!

Marine Insurance

Protect your goods, hull and machinery during transportation and movement on the waters. We offer some of the best comprehensive coverages.

Property Insurance

Losing your home or business in a natural disaster or fire is devastating; starting over from scratch is even worse. A property insurance plan can help provide cash to fund the process of starting over at a cost of pennies on the dollar.

Retirement Planning

Take control of your future today by Planning for tomorrow with the right advice. Your future self will thank you!

Life Insurance

Primary purpose is to replace a breadwinner’s income or provide income for a dependent if you’re no longer around. There are various other purposes such as debt/mortgage protection, Business keyman protection and buy/sell agreements… contact an advisor for more details.

Financial Planning

Create a solid foundation as you ascend the Financial Planning Pyramid to Financial success and freedom.


Sell to a qualified buyer and reduce the Listing Time! Our listings offer some of the most dynamic and appealing views of properties available for sale; we focus on marketing the property in a way that maximizes its best use while showcasing the existing communities and landmarks.

We also have a robust list of qualified persons looking for properties which increases the probability of a quick sale; our services of loan assessment and handholding process to get financing puts us above the competition making the experience a smooth and rewarding one. To find out about our commission rates and top-notch service, contact us and List with us today!

Critical Insurance

Coverage provides you with a cash lump sum should you be diagnosed with one of the 21 different illnesses it covers.

Health Insurance

Medical, Vision and Dental coverages with several deductible options are available – Worldwide Emergency Access and Partnership with regional referral Hospitals.


Qualified, Experienced and Licensed Insurance Advisors that specialize in Motor, Property, Life, Health, Critical Illness, Business insurance and so much more are a part of the network of professionals available at RealFIN Consultants Limited. Our goal is to provide our clients with value thus making their experience a satisfying and gratifying one. Contact us for a hassle free quote today!

Title Search

Ensure the property you buy is Free and Clear! A Title search should involve more than a lands search, it should involve a litigation search as well to ensure the property has not been named in any litigation proceedings. This ensures that your title has good root and that your investment is indeed legitimate. Our network of legal advisors provides detail, efficient and accurate title searches to protect you!


It takes more than Savings to become Financially Comfortable! We’ve been told to save, save, save…. But your savings should be sufficient to cover your emergency funds only, excess funds should be invested to increase and maximize your returns. What investments should you consider? Well, it depends on your risk appetite and tolerance. To find out about the options available, please contact us to schedule a meeting.

Financing Planning

Most people don't plan to fail they fail to plan ⁓ John L Beckley. Financial Planning is a series of short, medium, and long term financial plans that once executed properly should assist you in building a strong foundation to protect against risk, grow your assets and create a distribution system to enable generational wealth to flourish. Financial Planning involves planning for your children’s education, retirement, income protection, mortgage, Illness and so much more! Successful People Plan…. Let us help you reach that goal by having a discussion with our qualified network of advisors.


Jump the Line! Do you visit or call each institution to see what they have to offer when shopping around for a mortgage? RealFIN takes the hassle out of that with the network of financial institutions we work with to provide clients with the best options suitable to their situation. A few of the institutions in our network accommodates online or electronic applications which eliminates the need to go into an institution to apply for a mortgage. Click the contact us link to find out more!

Mortgage Assessment

Find Out what you Qualify for in a few easy steps! With 20 plus years in the Financial, Banking, and Real Estate industry, we are poised to assist you with determining what you qualify for with our easy initial 1, 2, 3 processes. Why do an assessment? Know what you qualify for, legal cost, and any other related or associated cost will put you in the position to make a more informed decision. Want to find out if you qualify & what you qualify for as well as the steps to get financing to purchase your dream home? Contact us today for a consultation!


Source Property from all over Belize! Need a reputable Agent to represent you in what is probably your most expensive purchase? As a buyer’s agent, we are experienced in helping clients find the best most appropriate property for their needs. With over 20 years in the Financial and Real Estate industry combined; we have the knowledge and network to guide our clients to the best, most affordable property with the most potential for long-term appreciation. When buying, you need someone on your side ensuring your needs are looked after; with countless sales under our belt, we can provide that professional service at no cost to you!